Category: Uncategorized

Best Things About DPMS

I think we can all agree that DPMS is one of the best schools in utah! But why, we all love it but why do we? comment down below your favorite thing about DPMS!

DPMS, Whats trending?

DPMS is a great school, but there are so many kids with so many different ideas and styles! I want to know all of your styles and preferences! Take this poll



Hello! My name is Paisley Draper and I’m in journalism. I’m a writer for the Draper Park blog! Some things about me are, I love to read and write, I love sharing the news and everything that’s going around at Draper Park, and I love spending time with my friends and family! I’m so excited to be writing in the blog and exploring new things! Make sure you go and check out some of my posts! And thanks for reading my bio 🙂 

Getting to know you!!!

Hello, I would like to get to know all of you people who read my post!!! so please check out this quiz so i can get to know you!